WWE Clash of Champions 2019 PPV Predictions & Spoilers of Results | Smark Out Moment

WWE Clash of Champions 2019 PPV Predictions & Spoilers of Results

Posted by Anthony Mango Monday, September 9, 2019
The WWE Clash of Champions 2019 pay-per-view is scheduled for September 15, 2019 at the Spectrum Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. Follow along here for spoilers and information on the event's card, lineup of matches and news regarding the pay-per-view.

The following are my predictions for the 2019 WWE Clash of Champions PPV. Check back for Clash of Champions 2019 results and review coverage here when the time comes..

Watch WWE Clash of Champions 2019 Pay-Per-View Online Results Predictions Spoilers Review
WWE Clash of Champions 2019 Spoilers

Universal Championship Match: Seth Rollins (c) vs. Braun Strowman

This seems needlessly complicated and a mess that won't end up being good for anybody. Braun Strowman isn't going to win the title so soon after Seth Rollins got it back from Brock Lesnar, so it does him no favors to come up short again. God forbid they make the mistake of turning him heel again...

I really can't imagine this is going to work out well for either parties. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me at all if this is a no-contest with Bray Wyatt interfering to set up a Triple Threat inside Hell in a Cell. The alternative could be AJ Styles getting involved and leading to a match between those two for the United States Championship and Wyatt fighting Rollins. By no means does Strowman walk out the champion, though, in any scenario.

PREDICTION: Seth Rollins retains the title.

Raw Tag Team Championship Match: Braun Strowman and Seth Rollins (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode

Really?? Roode and Ziggler in a random pairing??? Against the two people who will fight for the Universal Championship later in the night?? What the hell is going on here? WWE really doesn't like the tag team division and every few months, they go from stagnant to "here's something that blatantly makes it obvious we don't care about tag teams" and this is the latter. These belts aren't even being defended against The O.C. which is just crazy.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if Strowman and Rollins lose the titles, but it also wouldn't shock me if they retain the titles specifically to throw people off, only to drop them on Monday Night Raw the next night.

PREDICTION: Braun Strowman and Seth Rollins retain the titles. Swerve, I guess?

Raw Women's Championship Match: Becky Lynch (c) vs. Sasha Banks

Naturally, the moment Sasha Banks returned and attacked Becky Lynch, this was a must for the card. It should be a good match and could very well be the best on the card, so I'm looking forward to it. As far as the winner goes, I'm about 50/50. With Survivor Series coming up, I could definitely see Sasha Banks winning and facing Charlotte Flair if their intention is to have Flair win the title in Charlotte. However, the champion vs. champion scenario could just as easily be Becky Lynch against Bayley, and I think there's more to that than meets the eye. Do they really want to have The Man drop the belt heading into the sale of WWE 2K20 since she's on the cover? Tough call.

PREDICTION: I'm not confident, but I'll say Becky Lynch retains.

SmackDown Women's Championship Match: Bayley (c) vs. Charlotte Flair

This Bayley heel turn situation has me thrown for a loop. This belt definitely depends on what happens between Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch. If Banks beats Lynch, I think Flair beats Bayley. If The Man retains, The Queen comes up short. Since they can expect Flair to get a pop in Charlotte and I think Becky having the 2K cover will factor into that other match, I'm leaning toward WWE's goal being a lot of heat on Bayley with her keeping the title somehow.

PREDICTION: Bayley retains the title.

WWE Championship Match: Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Randy Orton

You don't typically do a draw and then follow it up with something different, so I expected a copy and paste from SummerSlam from the start, and for this to continue past Clash of Champions and conclude in a Hell in a Cell match. HIAC is only a few weeks from here, so they're not going to build a whole new feud for either of these guys. Either Orton wins the title and Kingston needs to win it back with a rematch (despite the automatic rematch clause "going away") or there's a non-finish of sorts and they settle the score in the cage.

PREDICTION: Kofi Kingston retains the title even if he doesn't technically win the match (he could lose through disqualification or something).

Intercontinental Championship Match: Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs. The Miz

Regarding the winner, this is tough. It all depends on the United States Championship situation, I think. If AJ Styles keeps that title going into Survivor Series, I think we'll see The Miz beat Nakamura here and for the two to have a rematch at Hell in a Cell (or for Sami Zayn to face The Miz at HIAC). However, if Styles is going to drop the US title at some point before November's event, and WWE thinks that new babyface champion against Nakamura is a better idea, then The Miz has to lose here. Basically, I'll update this with a better prediction once I know who will face Styles at Clash of Champions.

Caveat, though: they specifically mentioned that this would be a "record-tying" ninth reign for The Miz. Who would he tie the record of? Chris Jericho. I could definitely see WWE being petty enough to have The Miz match or even surpass that record just to erase that from an accolade Jericho has out of spite. They did that before to a certain extent with Randy Orton becoming the youngest champion soon after Brock Lesnar had left and that feels like a coincidence, even though it could be. 

PREDICTION: The Miz wins the title.

Cruiserweight Championship Triple Threat Match: Drew Gulak (c) vs. Humberto Carrillo vs. Lince Dorado

Carrillo has been built up for a little while, so he was the most obvious choice to be declared the next No. 1 contender. I don't think he has the ability to move the needle, so I really would rather not have him as the champion. The addition of Lince Dorado has made this more interesting to me, as I'm a fan of him and feel like he hasn't been given his proper due.

Naturally, I'm hoping Drew Gulak wins this and can hold the title going into WrestleMania (hopefully where he'll lose the title to Chad Gable).

PREDICTION: Drew Gulak retains the title.

King of the Ring Final: Baron Corbin vs. Chad Gable

I've been wrong about so much so far that I pretty much throw my hands up about this as far as any stock in my prediction. But hey, I've been enjoying the unknown elements of not being able to easily predict this. That's been fun and I'm glad they're doing this tournament.

Update: This match seems to be taking place on Raw, instead of Clash of Champions. How stupid is that? What a downgrade. This makes me think Corbin is going to win because there's less pressure on having it be a feel-good moment with Gable's victory, and they'll just make the story that Gable "really put up a good fight" and "showed the world he needs to be taken seriously" and whatnot in his loss.

PREDICTION: Baron Corbin wins the tournament.

United States Championship Match: AJ Styles (c) vs. Cedric Alexander

They really spent this whole build making this about AJ Styles against Braun Strowman and Seth Rollins, only to wait until the go-home show to say "Aaaah! We're out of time and we forgot that he has to defend the United States title! Let's have Cedric Alexander pin him! That's an easy way to make him the No. 1 contender!"

Because of that, I can't imagine a scenario where Alexander wins. He's good and all, and I'm a fan, but he's being treated like an afterthought who is slotted into a must-need position, rather than the focal point they want to push. Maybe that's intentional to make me think he has no chance, and if so, WWE got me. But for now, I'm going to work under the assumption this wasn't a priority for them and this will just boil down to Styles keeping the belt and Alexander looking strong in his defeat.

PREDICTION: AJ Styles retains the title.

SmackDown Tag Team Championship Match: The New Day (c) vs. The Revival

It had to be The Revival as challengers. Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder didn't randomly go over to SmackDown and happen to pin the tag team champions for no reason, and they continued this feud by partnering them with Randy Orton for the time being. Logical booking in a world where it's illogical that there's a Wild Card rule in a brand split and all the confusion that goes along with Raw Superstars fighting for a SmackDown title. Whatever.

I don't think we're getting new champions. I think with the Strowman/Rollins pairing going on, they have to drop those belts to a heel team (possibly Ziggler/Roode) and we'll need a babyface tag team for the blue brand for Survivor Series, so The New Day keeping these belts makes the most sense, unless they just want to fuck around and do a hot potato situation in October. I hope that isn't the case and Big E and Xavier Woods simply win this.

PREDICTION: The New Day retain the titles.

Women's Tag Team Championship Match: Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross (c) vs. Fire and Desire

WWE did the simple thing of having Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville beating Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross on SmackDown. That's normally their cop-out method of crowning No. 1 contenders. They followed suit and crowned them the next in line for a title shot and my surprised face was nowhere to be found...just as it will be when the titles stay on Bliss and Cross.

PREDICTION: Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross retain the titles.

24/7 Championship Defenses

Naturally, I don't expect this belt to be defended in a proper match, but just randomly throughout the night. I feel like there absolutely has to be at least one title change, if not several.

PREDICTION: Some new champions are crowned. R-Truth, Drake Maverick, and more could hold the belt.

No Disqualification Match: Roman Reigns vs. Erick Rowan

This is just to drag out Reigns against Daniel Bryan to Hell in a Cell, I think. However, I'm glad they gave Rowan his first name back and some time to talk and look strong. That's the best he's looked in years.

PREDICTION: Roman Reigns wins unless they want to have him lose because of Daniel Bryan interference.

This page will be altered to reflect newer opinions whenever new information about this and surrounding events takes place.


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The founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, podcast host, and more for Smark Out Moment and all branches under A Mango Tree including Fanboys Anonymous. Tony Mango is not just a pundit/analyst, but also a creative director/consultant, media manager and more. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.


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