List of Smark Out Moment Outros & Did You Know Jokes from Smack Talk | Smark Out Moment

Since almost the inception of the Smack Talk podcast, every episode has included a parody of the WWE Did You Know interstitial as well as a humorous outro to end the show. The following is an ongoing list catalog of both of those segments from the show's history.


Episode #011 — Smack Talk is the longest running weekly episodic Tony Mango operated wrestling show in YouTube history.

Episode #012 — John Laurinaitis has been texting Smark Out Moment the whole time.

Episode #012.5 (2012 Royal Rumble Predictions) — Tony Mango has the same chances to win this year's Royal Rumble as Darren Young.

Episode #013 — Every 90 seconds during the Royal Rumble, a new Smark Out Moment is born — only to be buried by HHH

Episode #014 — Tony Mango will reveal himself next week on Raw as the new and previously anonymous General Manager.

Episode #015 — Smark Out Moment is responsible for not being able to sit back and enjoy rides deemed unenjoyable.

Episode #017 — Smark Out Moment endorses John Laurinaitis as GM of both Raw and Smackdown over Teddy Long.

Episode #018 — With Google's latest glitches, Smark Out Moment is getting screwed over even more than Bret Hart at Survivor Series.

Episode #019 — Tony Mango doesn't use wrist notes for the show — he has a bullet point list. Microsoft Word > Rocky's arm.

Episode #020 — Smark Out Moment would like to enlist the help of David Otunga to sue Hornswoggle for stealing our time.

Episode #021 — Tony Mango is Lord Tensai. Matthew Bloom is instead going to run Smark Out Moment and Smack Talk.

Episode #022 — Flo Rida and MGK won't be the only musical performances at WrestleMania. One more is booked — Mike Burhan.

Episode #023 — The main event for WrestleMania 29 will be The Rock vs Tony Mango vs John Cena. Let the promos begin!

Episode #024 — Your ass better call somebody!

Episode #025 — Lesnar = here comes the pain. Shane = here comes the money. Smack Talk = nevermind that shit, here comes Mango!

Episode #026 — Mr. Mango has signed the administration of today's Did You Know Parody over to his attorney. Regards, Peter Lazarou, Esq.

Episode #027 — Sting has now been added into the Smark Out Moment alumni section. What the hell, why not, right?

Episode #028 — If you don't follow TKMG and Smark Out Moment on Twitter, you should kill yourself. Too much? Damn it.

Episode #029 — Starting July 23rd, Smack Talk will be 4 hours long. Take that, WWE!

Episode #030 — I bet you did. You're a smart one. People don't tell you that enough. I'm here for you buddy.

Episode #031 — Nobody returning this week on the show has a trampoline either, Sin Cara.

Episode #032 — Over 200 videos of the same content, yet YouTube still refuses to monetize 2 of them. Idiots.

Episode #033 — Screw "People Power" and "You're Fired", I have two more frightening words for WWE: Smack Talk

Episode #034 — Vickie Guerrero originally wanted to pick me, but I rejected her admiration.

Episode #035 — The amount of work put into this week's Smack Talk is equal to this week's WWE.

Episode #036 — The value of this year's Money in the Bank matches = 0.

Episode #037 — The government hates the Money in the Bank PPV. They'd rather us watch Taboo Tax Day.

Episode #038 — I look fly today.

Episode #039 — When Smack Talk reaches 1000 episodes, I'll also fail to get Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Episode #040 — (insert comment everyone will get upset about It's the thing to do this week.

Episode #041 — If you do,'s our little secret.

Episode #042 — "…" source: WWE meeting.

Episode #043 — Smack Talk will never stupidly waste 20 minutes on commercials and music. Ever.

Episode #044 — Smark Out Moment doesn't fine you for blading.

Episode #045 — Lesnar left. HHH left. Y2J left. CM Punk left. Swagger left. Chris Urban left. He'll be back another episode.

Episode #046 — Tony Mango 2, WWE and YouTube 0. I've got two words for ya.

Episode #047 — We attacked Kaitlyn. The match would have been even worse.

Episode #048 — Prep work on the tournament started in January. Round 1 started in March. It's about time we're on the finals!

Episode #049 — I can't pick up Tensai either, Ryback. It's ok. Feed him less.

Episode #050 — I was the person yelling at Vince backstage.

Episode #051 — Ryback's "Big Hungry" nickname was originally "The Hungry Hungry Hippo"

Episode #052 — This show has been up for over a year now. Beat that, CM Punk.

Episode #053 — I lined up to be on Team Foley.

Episode #054 — Linda McMahon lost because she had less #tweets on Raw Active.

Episode #055 — Team Smark Out Moment issues an open challenge elimination match to any other wrestling site out there.

Episode #056 — Team Smark Out Moment wins by default. No other sites accepted our challenge. All survivors. Beat that, Ziggler.

Episode #057 — Papa Shango was originally Tony Mango but WWE felt it was too dark and supernatural. No right to censor on my YouTube channel.

Episode #058 — Every time a WWE bell rings, and angel gets its wig split by Mark Henry.

Episode #059 — John Morrison and Melina's domestic dispute was Melina fighting JoMo's WWE return. She fucked his career and his coworkers.

Episode #060 — Smark Out Moment's awards have the Best PPV of the Year. The Slammy awards had Best Facial Hair. Which award is worth more again?

Episode #061 — If you want the new year to start off with a bang, stand next to AJ Lee for 5 minutes — Source: Slut it Up!

Episode #062 — WWE doesn't credit Zack Ryder for his Twitter followers — Google doesn't credit me for my hits — #AreYouSeriousBro?

Episode #063 — *takes off tux to reveal Aces & Eights vest* Source: Tony will now stutter like Taz on commentary.

Episode #064 — Darren Young's chances to win the Royal Rumble have improved from last year — Now, he's slightly above Tony Mango — Source: Hundreds of dollars! Hundreds of dollars!

Episode #065 — (screen goes black) You have absolutely no proof The Shield attacked this week's Did You Know parody.

Episode #066 — Next week I'll be hiring Brock Lesnar as a guest — Maybe then I can get a job with WWE — #RawGMTonyMango

Episode #067 — The Americans on the Smack Talk team are the people that Uncle Zebekiah can't understand.

Episode #068 — We the people find the defendant, Jack Swagger, guilty.

Episode #069 — If you did, you should have told me, cause I can't think of anything this week — Seriously I tried for like 45 minutes.

Episode #070 — If Eric Pankowski doesn't want his WWE Creative job, I'll take it — I can be bought — Everybody's got a price.

Episode #071 — Batista might be playing Drax, but Dace is playing Rocket Raccoon — Way to go, Marvel.

Episode #072 — They call me Tony "Pancake" Patterson because I flatten fools.

Episode #073 — I can bench 225 a record 54 times without Mark Henry attacking me.

Episode #074 — This week's go home WrestleMania edition of Smack Talk will consist entirely of promos...just like Raw!

Episode #075 — Me yelling "" at WrestleMania got the same reaction as no America the Beautiful - total confusion and curiosity.

Episode #076 — Antonio Cesaro's yodel on Raw translates to "I'm about to drop the title."

Episode #077 — You guys are the best.

Episode #078 — Even if "Extreme Rules" were renamed to "Ryback Rules", he still wouldn't win.

Episode #079 — Despite the lack of interest by the live audience, Smark Out Moment plans to keep Chris Jester as a babyface — Tony Mango wants him to remain a face, and the company is tweaking his character — The belief is that once they find the right fit for him, Jester's character should take off as a top face — There are some within the company that disagree.

Episode #080 — The greatest chapter of Bob Holly's life is not covered in his book, it's showcased on Smack Talk - the BOBCORE chapter.

Episode #081 — "Starting this moment...from now...from this moment on...this will be the moment...starting now...of the genesis...of Curtis Axel."

Episode #082 — Due to a concussion, the part of Chris Dace will be played for the next 8 months by Big E Langston — Source: I'm here to fill the gap.

Episode #083 — At the last minute, Vince McMahon rewrote tonight's episode to compete with the NBA.

Episode #084 — 1 negative + 2 positive ≠ 6 Smack Talkers — 1 unsubscribe ≠ :( Surpassing 800 subscribers = :) Episode 82 ≠ Episode 85 — Episode 85 = End of TNA.

Episode #085 — I've had a lot of success — I mean, not like John has, but I think I've done pretty good for myself, which leaves me to the reason that I'm out here: to formally retire from the active roster of Smark Out Moment — Source: YOU THINK IT'S THAT EASY? I'VE GOT A LOT LEFT IN THE TANK!

Episode #086 — Paul Heyman didn't do it — He loves you, Punk.

Episode #087 — The process in which I go about Smack Talk: I listen to everything the McMahons say and then do none of it.

Episode #088 — You deserved this — The new host of Smack Talk is....BRAD MADDOX!

Episode #089 — The way the guests on Smack Talk are chosen is exactly the what John Cena did on Raw.

Episode #090 — I was supposed to be Daniel Bryan's next opponent, but WWE figured he couldn't handle me and gave him a break.

Episode #091 — I am not employed by Spike TV — 90% of you have never heard of me — On August 1, I will not be watching TNA.

Episode #092 — Disco music is dead — So is Disco Inferno's career — But Disco Inferno himself? He's ok.

Episode #093 — To motivate me before every episode of Smack Talk, the panel slaps me in the face.

Episode #094 — YouTube may not think Smack Talk is an "A", but it's clearly a solid "B+".

Episode #095 — Drew White has decided not to renew his contract with Smark Out Moment — He's now an executive for

Episode #096 — OMG, someone just told me that Paul Levesque is a character on TV!!!! Silly me all this time I thought he was just a big bully #BAStar" SOURCE: Bring out the #SHHHOVEL

Episode #097 — Before the podcast existed, the original "Saturday Smack Talk" article experiment was an abject failure — It never drew a dime.

Episode #098 — Stephanie McMahon continues to sell her WWE stock in order to put more stock in Smark Out Moment.

Episode #099 — What's best for Smark Out Moment is what's best for business, despite what Triple H has told you.

Episode #100 — There are talks within Smark Out Moment that with episode 101 coming up, Smack Talk will be repackaged as Chair Shot Fantasy.

Episode #101 — Episode 102 will be hosted by Bob Backlund — Good luck trying to understand any of it.

Episode #102 — Now that Triple H has fully accepted his role as The Bad Guy, he will now be referred to as Razor Ramon, or "Double R".

Episode #103 — TNA staffers pleaded with me to change the background of this parody to a picture of Hernandez — I refused — They gave up — Source: George Antoun

Episode #104 — All of the audience members that Triple H hired and then fired after Raw are now eligible for WWE-sponsored rehab visits.

Episode #105 — Sources say Billy Corgan is actually thinking about buying Smark Out Moment instead, since it's a better investment.

Episode #106 — TNA has a Turning Point coming up next week — Unfortunately for them, it isn't the turning point they need.

Episode #107 — Instead of "it's morphin time", Xavier Woods was originally going to yell out "it's Vader time", which would have made almost just as much sense.

Episode #108 — Over 9000 were confused about Xavier Woods making another TV show reference this week.

Episode #109 — The good news, Wade Barrett is back on TV — The bad news, Wade Barrett is not going to be a main eventer any time soon.

Episode #110 — And the Slammy Award for Best Wrestling Podcast of the Year goes to.....*but first, let's introduce a wrestler and go to commercial*

Episode #111 — If Diamond Dallas Page did a self-high five selfie, the universe would collapse and reality would be torn apart.

Episode #112 — Shaun Walker received more votes for Best Guest Host of the Year for the Smarkies than Big Show got for Superstar of the Year at the Slammys

Episode #113 — Raw might go Old School once a year, but Undertaker holds the record for most times "going Old School" - every match.

Episode #114 — Ryback's Twitter was really just hacked by Kurt Angle.

Episode #115 — Isaac Yankem was supposed to do this Did You Know, but he said he wanted to reschedule for another time — Source: If you want to introduce him, "It's gotta be Kane!"

Episode #116 — I didn't even need to make a Did You Know joke about Darren Young's chances at winning the Royal Rumble this year — He wasn't in it.

Episode #117 — CM Punk left WWE because his ice cream bars finally melted.

Episode #118 — This week's edition of Monday Night Raw was #BettyWhiteVerified

Episode #119 — Part 3 ain't enough, man — I need Part 5.

Episode #120 — WWE Network may not be letting you watch anything, but Smack Talk and the Raw Post Show are working just fine.

Episode #121 — Hulk Hogan's big announcement next week is that Mr — America was him all along.

Episode #122 — Next week, Hulk Hogan will announce a special JTG Memorial match to feature all of the wrestlers with dead careers — Source: We're bringing it, bringing it — Whatcha gonna do, when Hulkamania…

Episode #123 — I'm actually Cranky Vince.

Episode #124 — WrestleMania is next week — Sure doesn't feel like it, right? Source: Mike Paden

Episode #125 — This week's Smack Talk was going to be 4 hours long with a 2 hour pre-show, but we ran into streaming issues.

Episode #126 — At WrestleMania, we said goodbye to The Streak and Cameron said "girl-bye" to her top — Source: It's all about that chingle chingle.

Episode #127 — WWE Legends House hasn't aired yet and it's already better than TNA's Legends Title — However, that's not much of a compliment

Episode #128 — You don't adapt, you just perish — That's de-evolution — Coming soon to TNA — Source:

Episode #129 — There was a TNA pay-per-view this week — LOL, for real — I'm serious — Sackafass according to Mr — T

Episode #130 — Evolution is a mystery, but I've solved it — The answer is 4.

Episode #131 — Paul Heyman's client, Brock Lesnar, conquered The Undertaker's undefeated streak.

Episode #132 — What's bigger than Big Ben AND the Big Guy? Big E's…well…you know — (Source: Paul Hibbard)

Episode #133 — Smark Out Moment is a creative genius — The whole creation of the universe was fashioned by his ever-toiling hands — All living mortals should praise his name and image.

Episode #134 — The reason Seth Rollins turned heel is that Triple H helped him with his homeless issues, just like he did with Big Show — Source: The architect of a cardboard box.

Episode #135 — Smark Out Moment & Fanboys Anonymous had their own spring cleaning in April and do not wish any of them well in their future endeavors.

Episode #136 — Mega Powers Radio celebrated its one-year anniversary and Miss Elizabeth has still yet to cause any friction.

Episode #137 — Weird Al Yankovic is the Phantom of the Opera, according to Jerry Lawler

Episode #138 — Now that Seth Rollins has some money in the bank, maybe he can afford to not be homeless anymore.

Episode #139 — The average Real American eats 137.9 pounds of Rusev each year.

Episode #140 — "I'll be heading to #WWEBattleground to present the new IC-Champ with his title — My money's on @HeathSlaterOMRB — #BringBackTheCorre" — - @WadeBarrett — See? He endorses Hearsay Heath Slater.

Episode #141 — Three ain't enough, man — I need five members of the new Nation of Domination.

Episode #142 — *empty* - What TNA has to offer other networks.

Episode #143 — n/a

Episode #144 — Since it costs money to sing Happy Birthday on the air, WWE had to fire Alberto Del Rio just to celebrate Hulk Hogan.

Episode #145 — Glacier would do the ALS ice bucket challenge for charity, but he's apparently too cool for that.

Episode #146 — Nikki Bella's next feud will be with Mark Henry — She had wished that his hand-son would die in the womb.

Episode #147 — Nikki Bella and I have had this Did You Know parody planned for years....but we've never told anybody... — Source: Growing up Mango

Episode #148 — TNA has recently met with silent investors for a minority stake in the company — All investors have remained silent.

Episode #149 — Following Monday Night Raw's example, next week's Smack Talk episode will be main-evented by the Rest Hold commercial break.

Episode #150 — The lyrics of Brie Bella's new theme are actually a recipe for a really ripping lentil soup.

Episode #151 — The Layfield Report is coming to Smark Out Moment but it will be retooled as Drew White Verified.

Episode #152 — This week's Did You Know was shipped via United Airlines so instead of being here on this video, it has been sent to Canada.

Episode #153 — TNA has been competing in a Contract on a Pole match for a TV deal, but in true TNA fashion, they've reversed the match's gimmick.

Episode #154 — Sorry, everyone...I'm the person who let Cena spit with Wiz Khalifa.

Episode #155 — Ryback still fucking rules.

Episode #156 — I can cut a Luke Harper promo, too — *picture of eyes*

Episode #157 — Ryback is not joining Team Authority or Team Cena — He's joining Team Tony's Tykes.

Episode #158 — This edition of Smack Talk was recorded via Dean Ambrose's buddy's cell phone.

Episode #159 — Sting calls himself The Icon, which is actually not a species of bird like the Dodo that is extinct and not around anymore — Source: Not the Macho Man, that's for sure

Episode #16 — Smark Out Moment understands the words that Chris Jericho is saying.

Episode #160 — Since Cody Hall stole from "The Bad Guy" and gave to his poorer self, that now makes him Robin Hood.

Episode #161 — #FreeRiley is going to backfire on Alex Riley — He wants a push, but Vince will probably take it as a sign he should be released.

Episode #162 — If Naomi is looking for more jobs in the future, all she has to do is challenge Rusev — She'll be jobbing all the time in that case.

Episode #163 — n/a

Episode #164 — [Quantity and Quality] Smack Talk is not only going into 2015 with a bigger audience than last year, but it was also on the air more times than Impact Wrestling in 2014. Take that, TNA. Source: The numbers game

Episode #165 — [History Beckons] Approximately 8 octillion grains of sand = 1 Sahara desert = 1 Macho Madness. 1 Hulkamania = 1 grain of sand in the Sahara desert that is Macho Madness. Source: The cream of the crop of mathematicians

Episode #166 — [Royal Rosebud] Adam Rose has the best chances of winning the Royal Rumble than anyone else. No matter what, that guy just can't get over, so how will he be eliminated?. Source: It's rumble time all the time

Episode #167 - [Weather Report Card] Every WWE fan is a meteorologist. All I keep hearing about is how many inches everyone has been getting fucked over with around Royal Rumble time. Source: There's a shovel burial joke here somewhere

Episode #168 — [Just Get the Patriots] WWE clearly didn't book the ending of this year's Super Bowl. Sure, there was some interference and a brawl at the end, but nobody made a run-in attempt. Source: Two Three Minute Warning

Episode #169 — [The Zahra Desertion] After posting the nude pictures on Twitter, Leighla Schultz kicked Seth Rollins out of their place. He is now fulfilling the prophecy of being homeless, although instead of a cat, he is totally a dawg. Source: A Small Package Joke for Seth Smallins

Episode #170 — [The Ultimate Wyattor] The real reason Bray Wyatt vomited after Monday Night Raw was from a curse by Papa Shango. Then again, seeing that many promos from Wyatt in the same night should have made anyone in the audience ill. Source: Sickster Abigail

Episode #171 — [The Wrong One in 21-1] That wasn't Brock Lesnar who walked out on Monday Night Raw. He never shows up. Instead, it was an impostor in makeup. Lesnar was portrayed by Ohio independent talent Cody Hawk. Source: Beast Called Sting

Episode #172 — [Blayze's Hall of Flame] According to ancient lore from WWE mythology, if you look Madusa in her eyes, you turn into Stone Cold. That was, at least, until she was beheaded by Showtime Perseus Watson. Source: You're all going to hate this one.

Episode #173 — [The Black Hart] The main reason why Connor "The Crusher" is being honored in the Hall of Fame instead of the Slammy Awards is because WWE is afraid Owen Hart will steal it from him. Source: This is just an awards joke, calm down.

Episode #174 — [Daily Affirmations] Before Roman Reigns settled on the phrase "I can and I will. Believe that!", he was originally going to say "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!" Source: Stuart Smalley

Episode #175 — [Burger King of the Ring] Chicken Fries were brought back from an online response with fans using their voices on social media. #GiveDivasAChance doesn't seem to work, but #GiveChickenFriesAChance does. Source: Tyson Chicken Kidd

Episode #176 — [Money in the Blank] I had this "Did You Know" in the bag, and it was going to be a good one, even if some of you didn't like it. But in the middle of writing it, Seth Rollins cashed in and stole it. Source: A detour around Suplex City

Episode #177 — [No Longer Alivestock] The average lifespan of cattle is 15 years, but domesticated cows can live several years longer than those raised for dairy. That statistic, of course, does not factor in elements of tow trucks and/or pigs. Source: RIP Time Cow, may you mooove on to greener pastures

Episode #178 — [Russian Chain Gang] WWE's Elimination Chamber has over 2 miles of chains, but in Soviet Russia, chains matches have over 2 miles of Elimination Chambers. Source: Этот матч будет сосать

Episode #179 — [Kicked to the Curb] The RKO was banned temporarily. Now, the Curb Stomp is banned. Following this trend, the However has been banned as well from both the Real JD and the Impostor JD. Source: 2MB = Two Man Banned

Episode #180 — [Dirt Bike Sheets] Jeff Hardy has it rough. When he gets real high, he gets suspended. When he crashes down, he ends up with an injury. Source: TNA…whatever that is.

Episode #181 — [Bringin' Da Book 2 U] JTG is releasing a book titled: "Damn! Why Did I Write This Book?" The reviews will probably be titled: "Damn! Why Did I Read This Book?" Source: Da Shout Out.

Episode #182 — [No Change = No Money] Payback is basically just rematches of Extreme Rules. If Money in the Bank follows suit, WWE should change the names of these events to Money Back, because I wouldn't want to Pay for that nonsense. Source: Paybackagain-Per-View

Episode #183 — [Great Minds Think Alike] WWE has Raw on Mondays and SmackDown pre-recorded and airing on Thursdays. We have Raw Post Show on Mondays and Smack Talk pre-recorded and airing on Thursdays. Source: Great Minds Think for Themselves

Episode #184 — [Destination America Offline] WWE has ended their second-screen experience and will go back to only one screen. Not to be outdone, TNA has decided to one-up WWE and go with a no-screen experience. Source: Total Nonsense Action - credit to Mike Paden

Episode #185 — [TNA-ge Mutant Ninja Wrestling] Before Sheamus was cast as Rocksteady, TNA wrestlers were considered for the part. Then, producers realized that nothing is steady in TNA...especially not any of their paychecks. Source: It's a shame that they lost their time slot.

Episode #186 — [Here Comes the Boom] Jim Ross is wrong when he says wrestling is not in a boom period. More than ever, there are booms in WWE. In fact, every time King Barrett comes out, we hear "boom" a bunch of times. Source: Boomer even sooner than thought.

Episode #187 — [Not Quite Invincible] Due to the injuries Machine Gun Kelly suffered from the attack by Kevin Owens, he will be replaced in all foreseeable upcoming concerts by the far superior Shotgun Gordon. Source: 'A Little More' fight in Owens…fight

Episode #188 — [U Maddox, Las Vegas?] CM Punk and Brad Maddox are two totally different people who don't look, sound, act or resemble each other in pretty much any way. Source: Look in my eyes, who do you see? Not CM Punk

Episode #189 — [Legendary Global TV] The TNA Championship is no longer recognized as a world title by PWI, while the King of the Mountain Championship has gone through so many different variations that it's no longer recognizable to anybody at all. Source: King of the Mountain Out of a Mole Hill

Episode #190 — [The Rowdy (Podcast) One] Contrary to popular belief, Will Sasso was not doing a parody of Stone Cold Steve Austin on Roddy Piper's show. He was actually doing a Chris Jericho impression. Source: The Ayatollah of Stone 'n' Colda

Episode #191 — [The Irish Movement] #GiveDivasAChance is not the only movement going on in WWE right now. Every time Sheamus is on TV, the fans move out of their seats and go to the bathroom. Source: Wago wrote this one.

Episode #192 — [The Streak…of Bad Luck] When Undertaker said you cannot kill what will not die, he was right. Just look at TNA Wrestling. The only difference is TNA never rises from anything...not in terms of quality, not in the ratings, and not from their shallow grave. Source: The Destination American Bad-Show

Episode #193 — [I Feel Strong About Right and Wrong] Dear Hulk Hogan, Booker T is DEFINITELY coming for you now. Source: Fight for the rights of every man

Episode #194 — [Don't Fear the Darkness] In the span of a month, Hulk Hogan loses his contract, is taken off Tough Enough, and may lose his Hall of Fame spot. Meanwhile, Drax Shadow gets a contract from a Tough Enough submission and could be the next winner of the Warrior Award. Source: Fear the shadow (cause this kid's awesome)

Episode #195 — [PCB? More like XXX!] Alternate names for The Submission Sorority were The BangBroads, Lass Parade, Boob Squad, Power Munch, Dorm Invasion... Source: This source has been hidden via incognito mode

Episode #196 — [The Did You Know with Jon Stewart] The original host for SummerSlam was Craig Kilborn, but WWE and Comedy Central decided Jon Stewart would be much better...and they were right. Source: Your moment of zen

Episode #197 — [WWE BummerSlam 2015] Undertaker wasn't the one tapping out at the end of the night. That was me. By that point, I was so done with SummerSlam, I just wanted it to end. Source: The biggest party foul of the summer

Episode #198 — [Addictionary to Anime] Along with kayfabe, another term from the wrestling community that was added to the OED recently is the phrase "to pull a Wago", definition: "to talk while when one's microphone is muted." Source: Oxford English Dictionary

Episode #199 — [Take the Sting / garbage out] Don't worry about the statue of Seth Rollins after it went into the garbage truck. It will just come back even bigger in the sequel as the Super Statue, played by Kevin Trash. Source: I'd prefer to watch The Secret of the Usos

Episode #200 — [Read on the Table] Ryback thinks he draws inspiration from the book "The Secret", but the true secret is that the pages inside are just "One Fish, Two Fish, Feed Me More Fish". Source: The Corn-Fed Meathead

Episode #201 — [Save_Us.Yankee2Juliett] The fan who jumped the barricade at Night of Champions was really just Michael Chiklis, who got confused when he had heard that The Shield could be returning. Source: The road to justice is twisted

Episode #202 — [Back to Square One] Madison Square Garden originally was Madison Squared Circle Garden, but the plans for the structure of the building just didn't take shape. Source: I heard it from a real square shooter

Episode #203 — [Just Not the Marvel Type, Clearly] Both Bayley and Sasha Banks were up for the role of Tony Stark in Marvel's 2008 motion picture Iron Man before being beaten out by Robert Downey Jr. Source: The truth is, they're not Iron Man

Episode #204 — [Hill-Rod] In WWE, Seth Rollins is currently dealing with Demon Kane's hellfire and brimstone. In politics, Hillary Clinton is feeling the Bern. Coincidence? Source: I think Sanders has a shot, guys!

Episode #205 — [PG Era? Like Hell!] Some alternative pitches for Hell in a Cell were Fuck in a Truck, Bitch in a Ditch, Damn in a Jam and Shit in a Pit. WWE made the right decision. Source: Give them hell

Episode #206 — [ALBERTO DELiRIOus] Zeb Colter says he's unifying two great nations together as one. On the contrary, MexAmerica sucks...but you already knew that. Source: nosotros, las personas

Episode #207 — [Series of Survivors] The New Day's favorite game in the Resident Evil series is Resident Evil 2: Survivor. Their favorite television show starring Les Stroud? Survivorman. Source: The Last Unicorn told me

Episode #208 — [Inside Cradle Scoop] A perfectly executed inside cradle or small package is successful 99% of the time, but when an outside cradle or large package is expertly applied by an expert, that is what truly always works 100% of the time. Source: Good wins come in small packages

Episode #209 — [Rollins Over; Play Dead] Here's a conspiracy theory for you. To celebrate The Deadman's 25th anniversary, WWE injured Seth Rollins to force another Deadly Game tournament. Source: Undertaking the title away

Episode #210 — [All American(s)] Alternative TV show concepts for John Cena's "American Grit" were Jack Swagger's "Real American Grit", Zeb Colter's "MexAmerican Grit", Lance Storm's "UnAmerican Grit" and WCW's "Great American Bash Grit". Source: True Grit

Episode #211 — [League of Damnations] The new stable with Sheamus, Rusev, Alberto Del Rio and King Barrett originally also included a returning Faarooq Asaad, but WWE Creative thought The League of Nations of Domination was too long of a name. Source: Out of your league

Episode #212 — [WWE Superstars Exposed] If WWE wanted to expose Lana's past, they shouldn't have talked about her ballet career. Instead, they should have showed some of her old modeling pictures. Source: Google image search

Episode #213 — [NXT to Nothing Left] Considering the amount of injuries happening lately, WWE has decided that NXT's next event will be titled "NXT TakeOver: Main Roster" Source: Waiting in the hospital wings

Episode #214 — [Budget Dust] Since ratings have been very low lately, budget concerns are taking priority and the Slammy Awards are no longer solid gold. Also, Goldust has been replaced with the much cheaper Fool's Goldust. Source: Going for the gold

Episode #215 — [It's a New Year, Yes It Is!] Considering how they're the best team going in the company today, the New Year's Revolution event will be making a comeback in 2016 as New Day's Revolution. Source: Pay…Per-View

Episode #216 — [Let the AJ's Breathe] Due to the popularity of The Bullet Club, WWE has decided to create a new stable for Fandango called The Ballet Club. Source: ChaChaLaLA Times

Episode #217 — [Ro(m/y)a(n/l) Reigns] For you conspiracy theorists out there, Royal Rumble and Roman Reigns both start with R.R. and he will defend his title in the 30-man match at the age of 30. Source: Believe that the truth is out there

Episode #218 — [Cramping My Styles] For copyright reasons and wanting to own the rights to his name, WWE will be changing AJ Styles to AyJay Stiles. He will also be revealed as the long lost brother of Eden Stiles. Source: In and out of Styles

Episode #219 — [WWE Grammy Awards] The Usos may not have really won a Grammy in 2015, but they think they're "so close now" to doing so. Source: They're on top attaining their peak

Episode #220 — [E-C-LUV] Remember that restaurants will be packed this Valentine's Day, so plan ahead, call in advance, book your reservation and follow some advice from The Dudley Boyz — GET THE TABLES! Source: A dozen Adam Roses

Episode #221 — [Vincent J. McMahon Award] Spoiler alert: the recipient of the new Vincent J. McMahon Legacy of Excellence Award won't be Bret Hart, nor any member of the Legacy stable. Source: Legacy of Excellence of Execution

Episode #222 — [What's in the Lock Box?] Top predictions for what is in the secret lock box include Gwyneth Paltrow's head, an orange lightbulb, and the contents of what Tom Hanks delivered in Cast Away. Source: Think outside the box

Episode #223 — [WWE Writer's Block] When rebranding the March to WrestleMania as Roadblock, some alternative titles pitched included: Road Trip, Road Rage, Rocky Road, Traffic Jam, and Fork in the Road, or at least it seems that way. Source: Taking the low road for this joke

Episode #224 — [Insult to Injury] The weekly Did You Know joke was scheduled to appear here as usual, but it has suffered an injury at a WWE live event and will be taking some time off to heal. Source: Everybody hurts sometimes

Episode #225 — [The Fabulous Fit Birds] Smark Out Moment's Hall of Fame doesn't have Koko B. Ware in it, making it pretty much on par with WWE's as far as credibility goes. Source: Hall of Shame

Episode #226 — [Andre the Client] Paul Heyman has managed both of the previous winners of the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal in ways that ended not so well. This year's winner would be wise not to associate himself with the manager. Source: Devil's advocate

Episode #227 — [Privacy Invader] Vader's ex leaked the wrong picture this week. She originally intended to send out a photo of The Mastodon's trunk, but got confused. Source: The dong they call Vader's

Episode #228 — [Stan Hansen] The most important thing that I can ever tell you in the Did You Know is that you've got to have an opponent. Source: Heeeeewwwww!!!!

Episode #229 — [TNA Eviction] Since WWE does not use the "In Your House" name anymore and TNA no longer has a HQ, Dixie Carter is hoping to host all future live events literally in your houses. She promises that she'll just be crashing for the night, though, and she'll be gone in the morning once her hangover goes away. Source: TNA = Worse for Warehouse

Episode #230 — [Testing Positive for Lemons] Konnor's suspension is still up in the air, but we can now confirm that Adam Rose's dealer is the bunny, aka White Rabbit. After all, one pill makes you larger. Source: It's party time all the time

Episode #231 — [Purple Black Reign] The original plan for Payback was for Finn Balor to join Anderson/Gallows, redebuting as The Artist Formerly Known as Prince Devitt, but WWE thought it would be in bad taste as it may stir up old memories of Goldust's terrible gimmick. Source: Jamie Starrdust

Episode #232 — [Implant Busted] Wrestling fans have been suspicious of the company planting people in the crowd for decades, and now, the speculation is over, as we know who the plant was the whole time: Mitch. Source: Fuckin' Meeyitch

Episode #233 — [Spring Cleaning] Considering all the recent best wishes for future endeavors, WWE had more re-leases over the past week than TNA's headquarters had over the past year. Source: WWE's unemployment line makes more money than TNA's roster

Episode #234 — [The Shining Stars] When you wish upon a star, your dreams will take you very far. But when you wish upon Epico and Primo, you just get shitty promos about Puerto Rico. Source: Earth, Wind, Fire and Travel Agents

Episode #235 — [Rhodesblocked] Since Cody and Eden have left WWE, many are speculating if they will appear in TNA, ROH, NJPW, or elsewhere. History has shown us, however, that all Rhodes lead to Rome. Source: It was written in the staaaars

Episode #236 — [Will You Stop?] I'd be much more interested in this news story about the kid and the zoo if you tweaked it so the kid stepped into the ring with Gorilla Monsoon instead. Source: Stick a fork in this story, it's done

Episode #237 — [This is the End] Following the NXT TakeOver name change from "Revenge" to "The End", Brooklyn will follow this trend and be renamed "Beautiful Friend." Source: My only friend, the end

Episode #238 — [The 7th Man] Originally, some suggestions for the seventh competitor in this year's Money in the Bank ladder match were Bray Wyatt, Hulk Hogan, Goldust, Kevin Spacey, James Bond, Jeri Ryan, Snow White's dwarves... Source: Credit to those who get all the jokes

Episode #239 — [Lunatic Fringe Benefits] Despite only holding the briefcase for roughly an hour, Dean Ambrose has had more Money in the Bank than TNA has had this entire year. Source: No feast, just fired and famine

Episode #240 — [No Weight Limits] After a successful set of tapings for the Cruiserweight Classic, WWE announced it will do the same for the fattest superheavyweights, dubbed the Blubber Bowl. Source: aka The Tubby Tournament

Episode #241 — [Mr. America, Fuck Yeah!] The July 4th edition of Monday Night Raw was going to see the return of Mr. America, but after the critical failure of Independence Day: Resurgence, nobody wanted another thing that was better over a decade ago to come back. Source: A Real American

Episode #242 — [Hypocrisy] Did you know that WWE can make a parody t-shirt design of the Pabst Blue Ribbon logo, but it's not okay for me to make parody WWE t-shirt designs? Source: Do as I say, not as I do

Episode #243 — [Do You Feel A Draft?] Wade Barrett was originally going to be in this year's WWE Draft, but the Winds of Change blew him away. Source: This one was lame, I know

Episode #244 — [Armpit of the Universe] WWE has yet to clarify this rule, but the Universal Championship is actually a variation of the TV title. It will only be defended on shows that film at Universal Studios. Source: lol j/k only TNA is that dumb

Episode #245 — [The True Gold Standard] Based off his billed weight (248lbs) and the current price per gram, Shelton Benjamin is worth $4,903,119.03 to WWE. Source: Literally the most valuable player

Episode #246 — [Never in a Lifetime] Sting vs Undertaker. Cena vs Hogan. Hart vs Angle. Austin vs Goldberg. All of these pale in comparison to the great Jimmin Marvinluder vs Rambo Apocalypse dream match. Source: Unstoppable Force / Immovable Object

Episode #247 — [Demon King of Balor Clubs] (playing card of King of Clubs) Source: Card subject to change

Episode #248 — [Caught Red Handed] Eva Marie failed the Wellness Policy test because they found traces of all red in everything. Literally everything. Source: Red-Face Test

Episode #249 — [Hershey High-Way] Nia Jax doesn't participate in Fatal 4-Ways. She goes for 5th Avenues instead. Source: Fatal attraction to candy bars

Episode #250 — [Did You Know?] There IS somewhere to go. It's called the Smack Talk show. So leave your comments below. Don't Bolieve in Bo. Source: Mango

Episode #251 — Curt Hawkins Fact: Chuck Norris memes are 11 years old and Tyson Kidd already did a "fact" gimmick before.

Episode #252 — [The List of Jericho] The clipboard Chris Jericho used on this week's episode of Monday Night Raw was actually the one Mick Foley was attached to. Hence the feud. Source: Across the Board

Episode #253 — [Backstage Politics] On TV this week, a WWE Hall of Famer and Battle of the Billionaires winner faced off against the wife of an honoree from WrestleMania X and Survivor Series '95 (kind of). None of this was on Monday Night Raw, but in typical WWE fashion, rematches are scheduled for October 9th and October 19th. Source: Vote for Backlund instead

Episode #254 — [That 70s Show is Jericho] Hangin' out down the street. The same old thing we did last week. Not a thing to do, but talk smack to you. Raw's alright. Raw's alright. Hello WWE Universe! Source: My foot in your ass

Episode #255 — [If You Smell…] Sales for the No Mercy scent are tracking to at least move on shelves at a faster rate than Derrick Bateman's "World's Strongest Man" Mark Henry cologne. Source: Stink Face

Episode #256 — [The Goldbergs] This week, Rusev showed off pictures of his family. Next week on ABC, Bill Goldberg will be doing the same thing. Special guests include Whoopi and Adam. Source: I'm not a fan of that TV show, though.

Episode #257 — [A Cold Day in Hell] In WWE, you can never really count someone out, as anything can happen. Sasha, Charlotte, Reigns, Rusev, Owens and Rollins all have a shot (so does Kane), but I just don't like A. Snowball's chances in Hell this time around. Source: I'll reveal that when Hell freezes over

Episode #258 — [Nia Jax] Last Halloween, Nia Jax became addicted to Snickers, thinking she was not herself when she was hungry. Now, after a year of rehab, she dressed up like most girls and has limited herself to only a few bars. She is expected to make a full recovery. Source: packed with peanuts and really satisfying

Episode #259 — [Canadian Stampede] NXT TakeOver: Toronto is literal. WWE plans on simply walking into Ontario and having the Canadian government surrender the entire country. Source: The Calgary Kid

Episode #260 — [Who Will Survive?] The true Survivor Series Elimination Match this year will consist of Scott Hall, Jimmy Snuka, Jake Roberts, Jeff Hardy and Bruno Sammartino vs. Ric Flair, Kamala, Terry Funk, Superstar Billy Graham and Harley Race. Source: The Undertaker's debut makes sense now, right?

Episode #261 — [Let's Talk Turkey] Every year, the President of the United States pardons a lucky turkey who will not be eaten on Thanksgiving. Once WWE Hall of Famer Donald Trump gets into office, The Gobbledy Gooker will finally be back in a new storyline. Source: Gobbledy Cooked

Episode #262 — [Less Than 205 Taped] "205 Live" was going to be the title of a new TNA television program, but not only could they not afford any live shows, they also weren't sure they'd get 205 people in the audience every time. Source: The first 204 jokes were better.

Episode #263 — [Nameolition] The lyrics for Demolition's theme states Ax and Smash's middle names are Pain and Destruction. What are their surnames? For that matter, does "Kona Crush" mean Crush was using his middle name this whole time? Are they brothers? Are their full names "Ax Pain Demolition", "Smash Destruction Demolition" and "Konda Crush Demolition"? Source: My act of contrition

Episode #264 — [Did You Know? If You Only Knew] This year, the WWE Slammy Awards will follow the precedent of the 2016 Oscars with #SlammysSoWhite and every award will be given to Sheamus. Source: The Land of a Thousand Sources

Episode #265 — [Michael Coal] He sees you when you're sleeping. He knows when you're awake. He knows when you've been bad or good so bah gawd for gawdness sake! He's got a family, damn it! Source: Santa Ross is coming to town

Episode #266 — [It Was Me All Along, Becky] Suspects for who La Luchadora will actually turn out to be have been narrowed down to The Miz, Hulk Hogan, Hornswoggle, Dean Malenko, maybe even Brian Lee or Luke Gallows...but Stone Cold is convinced it was Vince McMahon. Source: A higher power (aka hower power)

Episode #267 — [Code Name: The Cleaner] Following in the footsteps of Drew Carey before him, it is not Kenny Omega who will be in this year's Royal Rumble, but actually Cedric the Sports Entertainer. Source: The Cleaner's Corner is not a dirt sheet

Episode #268 — [The Brexit Brawl] Given WWE's perpetual obsession with splitting tag teams, stables and brands, the United Kingdom Championship has already disbanded and will turn into two rosters for Ireland and England both having their own titles. Source: The Great Britain Bash

Episode #269 — [We're Gonna Make This Joke Again] Every year since 2012, we make a joke about how Darren Young doesn't stand a chance to win the Royal Rumble. This year, he isn't even going to compete in the match at all. Some things never change. Source: Mr. No Years Off

Episode #270 — [Better Than Perfect 10] Tye Dillinger called himself "The Perfect 10" and got a spot in the Royal Rumble. After seeing that this works, Curtis Axel has been requesting a new nickname of "The Perfect 30th Entrant and Winner of the 2018 Royal Rumble" to WWE Creative. Source: Perfect 11

Episode #271 — [A Work in PROGRESS] When asked why Jim Cornette is so bitter all the time now, he stated that he used to be "with it" until they changed what "it" was. Now what he's with isn't "it" and what's "it" seems weird and scary to him. Source: It'll happen to you

Episode #272 — [Cancellation from Hell] WWE Network executives themselves did not drop "Legends with JBL". They simply gave it to JBL to hold and he stumbled, tripped, and dropped it from the programming lineup.

Episode #273 — [Very Mysterious Ice Cream] Between The Rock suspiciously calling up CM Punk and Lana's Russian hacking skills, plans for The New Day's ice cream story could go in a lot of directions, but I still have my eye on Cesaro reverting back to his old gimmick. Source: We all screamed it

Episode #274 — [Fuck Finish] If "The Fuckjob" is successful enough, more pro wrestling porn parodies will be made from previous storylines such as "The Fingerbang of Doom", "The Cock n Sock Connection", "The Mass Transex Incident", and "The Mega Plowers Explode" Source: Some curtain jerker

Episode #275 — [The Ravishing Ones] Rick Rude is Lana's father. That is why she is called The Ravishing Russian. He also raised her to value beauty, which explains why she is married to Handsome Rusev.

Episode #276 — [Shaq F.U.] Shaquille O'Neal was originally scheduled to write this week's edition of "Did You Know?" dating all the way back to plans from last year, but he bailed. Early speculation ranges from pay disputes to weight gain being the reason why he never wrote a joke. Source: The Big (Ken?) Shamrock

Episode #277 — [The Fappaigening] Paige's nude photos weren't leaked through an iCloud hacking scheme. This is just Brad Maddox's new character. All of the videos were just a viral marketing strategy of vignettes. Source: Beef Wellington

Episode #278 — [WWE WrestleMoneya] The construction of the set for this year's WrestleMania cost exactly $1000, making it truly the grandest stage of them all.

Episode #279 — [Beach Ball Mania] Due to their performances on Raw and SmackDown as the first breakout stars to cross between brands since the draft last year, WWE is reconsidering bringing back the Bash at the Beach event just to highlight the crowd's beach balls. Source: Beach Ball Blast

Episode #280 — [Shake-Up ≠ Draft] After a round of intensive focus group testing, WWE realized "It's time to shake things up again!" was a much better catch phrase than "It feels like there's a draft in here!" Source: Raw and ShakeDown

Episode #281 — [Passed Over] For this past Easter Sunday, Adam Rose's bunny finally received a booking for an independent wrestling show. Source: Down the rabbit hole

Episode #282 — [Comeback on the Backburner] Once WWE saw that both Payback and Backlash were back-to-back, negotiations started to bring back Ryback as well, but they backed out. Source: Some backstabber

Episode #283 — [Toothless Aggression] Kane's absence from WWE will come into storylines when he is called upon to use his expert dentistry skills from his time as Isaac Yankem D.D.S. to fix Jeff Hardy's missing tooth. Source: R-Tooth

Episode #284 — Due to a temporal shift, the NXT superstar formerly known as Dylan Miley will no longer go by the ring name Lars Sullivan, but rather, Lars Fillmore.

Episode #285 — [Take a...Dive] Randy Orton's problem with dives stems from his summer job as a lifeguard, where he developed a habit of telling people NO DIVING, among other things. Source: Pool Rules

Episode #286 — [You Ain't Booty] Original concepts for the WWE Network special "The New Day's Fantastic Ride" included Paige and Brad Maddox, but after the threesome sex tape leaked, all unicorn props were repurposed for other means. Source: Who? Who? WHO?

Episode #287 — [$0.20] If I had a dime for every time I was the one responsible for attacking Enzo Amore, I'd have two dimes. Source: The Fashion Police caught me

Episode #288 — [WWE Music Power 10] The first 9 were better. Source: This joke never gets old to me.

Episode #289 — [The Winner's Purse] Instead of a briefcase, the women's Money in the Bank ladder match was originally going to be for a "super cute" tiny Coach purse but none of the women on the SmackDown roster had the right shoes to match it. Source: Fantasy Pocketbooking

Episode #290 — [How Much Money in the Bank?] For tax purposes, Mike Rotunda inspected both of this year’s Money in the Bank briefcases for how much was inside that the winners had to report next year. $4. Source: Sasha

Episode #291 — [Not So Great Balls] A marketing strategy for Great Balls of Fire was going to be to illustrate people named Ball. After LaVar, LaMelo and Lonzo bombed, WWE officials are now hesitant to bring back the corpse of Lucille Ball, fearing she may also drop the n-word.. Source: Ball is life.

Episode #292 — [;] Los Matadores failed. The Shining Stars failed. The Colons failed. In their final effort to be something in WWE, Primo and Epico, now shells of their former selves, will be repackaged as The Semicolons. Source: AP Stylebook

Episode #293 — [The Miztakes] The Mizzies had an unfortunate mix-up. The award for Greatest Man in WWE was not Dean Ambrose, nor The Miz, but Max Moonlight. Source: #NotMyMiz

Episode #294 — [The Standard Father/Son Angle, Literally] Can you blame Kurt Angle for knocking up Jason Jordan's mom? I hear she's acute one. Source: I couldn't think of a way to use the word "obtuse" here

Episode #295 — [The R-Truth is Out There] After consulting WikiLeaks, receiving tips from NSA and CIA operatives, and reading the first batch of the recently released JFK assassination records I have concluded that The Fashion Police's attackers were (THIS INFORMATION HAS BEEN REDACTED DUE TO NATIONAL SECURITY CONCERNS. WE APOLOGIZE FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE THIS MAY CAUSE.) Source: There was no source. What are you talking about? Go about your average life, citizen.

Episode #296 — [♫] WWE has determined that shortening Elias Samson's name to just "Elias" is still not good enough. From now on, he will only be referred to as a single, solitary guitar note.

Episode #297 — [The Wrestling Bee's Knees] Stripper "Queen Bee" lashed out about Enzo Amore not because of poor tipping, but because she heard that Enzo's stinger was S-A-W-F-T. Source: Enzo Amore and the Search for the Elusive Certified G Spot

Episode #298 — [Bray of Pigs] Bray Wyatt's bucket was supposed to be filled with slop from The Godwinns, but WWE's creative team watched Carrie this weekend. Source: 'cause baby, now we've got Badd Blood

Episode #299 — [Did You Knowish?] It isn't The Usos, it actually is paranoia. You have every reason to be afraid. Source: Done with that

Episode #300 — [Life's a Beach] The recent beach ball problems in WWE crowds is kayfabe. This is all a storyline leading to a feud between a beach ball and a basketball which actually does hold a grudge. Source: Some ball-breaker


Episode #4 — Cody Rhodes (Smoke and Mirrors)

Episode #5 — Christian (At Last)

Episode #6 — HBK

Episode #7 — Randy Orton (Voices)

Episode #8 — Billy Gunn (Ass Man)

Episode #9 — Wade Barrett (End of Days)

Episode #10 — Ted DiBiase (I Come from Money)

Episode #11 — Brodus Clay (Somebody Call My Mama)

Episode #12 — Kofi Kingston (S.O.S.)

Episode #13 — William Regal (Real Man's Man)

Episode #14 — Sheamus

Episode #15 — The Miz (I Came to Play)

Episode #16 — Kelly Kelly

Episode #17 — Drew McIntyre (Broken Dreams)

Episode #18 — Eve Torres (She Looks Good to Me)

Episode #19 — Big Boss Man

Episode #20 — John Cena (Word Life)

Episode #21 — AJ Styles

Episode #22 — WrestleMania Theme

Episode #23 — Sunny (You Know You Want Me)

Episode #24 — Dusty Rhodes

Episode #25 — James Storm

Episode #26 — Rey Mysterio (619)

Episode #27 — Edge (Metalingus)

Episode #28 — Bobby Roode (Off the Chain)

Episode #29 — Big Show (Crank It Up)

Episode #30 — Christian (Just Close Your Eyes)

Episode #31 — Jillian Hall (Sliced Bread)

Episode #32 — D-Lo

Episode #33 — Vader

Episode #34 — NXT (Wild and Young)

Episode #35 — Sycho Sid

Episode #36 — DDP (Self High Five)

Episode #37 — AJ (Let's Light it Up)

Episode #38 — Road Warriors

Episode #39 — Heath Slater (One Man Band)

Episode #40 — Booker T

Episode #41 — JTG (Cryme Tyme)

Episode #42 — Rowdy Roddy Piper

Episode #43 — Limp Bizkit (My Way or the Outro)

Episode #44 — CM Punk (Cult of Personality)

Episode #45 — Winter

Episode #46 — Daniel Bryan (Ride of the Valkyries)

Episode #47 — Prime Time Players (Move Get It)

Episode #48 — Ryback

Episode #49 — Mickie James (Hardcore Country)

Episode #50 — Vince McMahon (No Chance in Hell)

Episode #51 — Jeff Hardy (No More Words)

Episode #52 — Dolph Ziggler (I Am Perfection)

Episode #53 — Steinerized

Episode #54 — Hulk Hogan (Real American)

Episode #55 — Mick Foley (Dude Love)

Episode #56 — Hurricane Helms

Episode #57 — The Godfather

Episode #58 — The Bella Twins (You Can Look But You Can't Touch)

Episode #59 — Vince McMahon's "Stand Back" Slammy performance

Episode #60 — "If You Only Knew" from the Slammy Awards

Episode #61 — Wade Barrett ("I Just Don't Care Anymore") by Braeden Mayhew

Episode #62 — Big E Langston by Burhan

Episode #63 — Bob Backlund ("Heil to the Chief") by Braeden Mayhew

Episode #64 — Antonio Cesaro by Burhan

Episode #65 — John Cena ("My Outro's Now") by Burhan

Episode #66 — Mark Henry ("Some Bodies Gonna Get It") by Tony Mango

Episode #67 — Jack Swagger ("Get On Your Knees") by Burhan

Episode #68 — Shield by Mike Paden

Episode #69 — Donald Trump by Burhan

Episode #70 — Fandango by Tony Mango

Episode #71 — The Usos ("So Close Now") by Burhan

Episode #72 — Lita ("LoveFuryPassionEnergy") by Brandon Liggan

Episode #73 — X-Pac ("Make Some Noise") by Mike Paden

Episode #74 — Diddy's "I'm Coming Home" WrestleMania XXIX Theme by Burhan

Episode #75 — Fandango [everyone]

Episode #76 — Antonio Cesaro's yodel by Mike Paden and Brandon Liggan

Episode #77 — Legacy by Burhan

Episode #78 — Jesse & Festus ("Outro's and Gravy") by Burhan

Episode #79 — Hardcore Holly ("Bobcore Holly") by Miguel Leon

Episode #80 — Eddie Guerrero ("Latino Heat") by Burhan

Episode #81 — Mr — Perfect/Curtis Axel ("Exodus") by Mike Paden

Episode #82 — Bray Wyatt Family ("Broken Out In Love") by Braeden Mayhew

Episode #83 — Kurt Angle ("Gold Medal") by Burhan

Episode #84 — American Males by Burhan

Episode #85 — Percy Watson ("Heading Right Back") by Burhan

Episode #86 — RVD ("One of a Kind") by Braeden Mayhew

Episode #87 — The Oddities [Drew White]

Episode #88 — RVD (TNA Theme) by Liggan

Episode #89 — Damien Sandow ("Hallelujah") by Miguel Leon

Episode #90 — Randy Orton ("Burn in my Light") by Burhan

Episode #91 — Medley by Clint Davis

Episode #92 — Disco Inferno by Drew White

Episode #93 — Darren Young ("One, Two, Three") by Miguel Leon

Episode #94 — Evolution ("Line in the Sand") by Braeden Mayhew

Episode #95 — Ted DiBiase ("Priceless") by Drew White

Episode #96 — Triple H ("King of Kings" / "Outro of Outros") by Mike Paden

Episode #97 — Jim Ross ("Boomer Sooner") by Tony Mango

Episode #98 — Sting ("Man Called Sting") by Mike Paden

Episode #99 — Hulk Hogan ("Voodoo Child / Outro Child") by Mike Paden, Miguel Leon and Tony Mango

Episode #100 — WrestleMania 22 ("Big Time" by Peter Gabriel) by various

Episode #101 — WrestleMania 1 ("Easy Lover" by Phil Collins) by Burhan

Episode #102 — Real Americans by Burhan

Episode #103 — Honky Tonk Man by Burhan

Episode #104 — Shawn Michaels Tribute Video ("Tell Me a Lie") by Burhan

Episode #105 — Don't Stop Bolieving by Mike Paden

Episode #106 — n/a

Episode #107 — R-Truth ("What's Up?") by Tony Mango

Episode #108 — Teddy Long ("MacMilitant") by Burhan

Episode #109 — Jeff Jarrett ("With My Baby Tonight") by Burhan

Episode #110 — Eric Bischoff ("I'm Back") by Braeden Mayhew

Episode #111 — Scooby Doo ("Roody Poo") by Mike Paden

Episode #112 — Chris Benoit ("Whatever") by Mike Paden

Episode #113 — Kaitlyn ("Higher") by Drew White

Episode #114 — "Oh You Want an Outro?" (New Age Outlaws) by Mike Paden

Episode #115 — "Outro Alone" (Batista) by Drew White

Episode #116 — "Outro for the Moment" (Matt Hardy) by Drew White

Episode #117 — JBL by Stephen Wago & cow

Episode #118 — "Oh Outro" (Zack Ryder) by Stephen Wago & cow

Episode #119 — "Short Term Outro" (Emma) by Mike Paden

Episode #120 — "I'm Afraid I've Got an Outro" (Bad News Barrett) by Mike Paden

Episode #121 — "King of My Outro" (Chris Jericho) by Stephen Wago

Episode #122 — "Cool Outro" (Carlito) by Mike Paden

Episode #123 — n/a

Episode #124 — "The O-Team" (Mr — T / The A-Team) by Stephen Wago

Episode #125 — special unedited sneak peek at outros with "Written in the Stars" by Drew White

Episode #126 — "Ultimate Outro" (Ultimate Warrior) by Drew White

Episode #127 — "Ultimate Outro Unstable Dubstep Remix" (Ultimate Warrior) by Miguel Leon

Episode #128 — "Outro Away" (Adam Rose) by Mike Paden

Episode #129 — "He's Got the Outro In His Hands" (Bray Wyatt) by everyone with high pitched voices

Episode #130 — "He's Got the Outro In His Hands" (Bray Wyatt) by everyone with lower pitched voices

Episode #131 — "Sing Us a Song, Awesome Piano Man" by Mike Paden

Episode #132 — "Outro of Domination" (Nation of Domination) by Tony Mango

Episode #133 — "I'm A Boliever" by Mike Paden

Episode #134 — "Outro on the Perfect Table" (RybAxel) by Mike Paden and Drew White

Episode #135 — "You're Beautiful, Seth Rollins" by Shaun Walker

Episode #136 — "Outros Apart" (Sami Zayn) by Mike Paden & Stephen Wago's Cat

Episode #137 — Vacant by Tony Mango

Episode #138 — "Break Down the Outro" (Chris Jericho) by Drew White

Episode #139 — "Bo Yo Outro" (Bo Burnham) by Drew Crew

Episode #140 — "Kung Fu Kenta" (Kung Fu Naki) by Mike Paden

Episode #141 — "Na Na Hey Hey Goodbye Seth Rollins" by Drew White

Episode #142 — 10 Bell Salute for TNA

Episode #143 — n/a

Episode #144 — "Realoutro" (Alberto Del Rio) by Drew White

Episode #145 — "Next Big Outro" (Brock Lesnar) by Mike Paden

Episode #146 — "Smack Talk Squad" (Spirit Squad) by Stephen Wago/Mike Paden/Shaun Walker/Drew White/Tony Mango

Episode #147 — "Two Tickets to TNA" by Stephen Wago

Episode #148 — "Beautiful Outro" (Brie Bella) by Drew White & McDonalds

Episode #149 — "Eine Kleine Nachtmusiik (Serenade No — 149 in Royght Major)" by Stephen Wago

Episode #150 — "Honky Wank Man" (Honky Tonk Man) by Tony Mango

Episode #151 — Voicemail

Episode #152 — "Let Me Show You How to Outro" (Slater Gator) by Mike Paden

Episode #153 — "Time Off from Outros" (Brock Lesnar's Return) by Stephen Wago

Episode #154 — "Not Jeff's Theme" (Bulk & Skull from Power Rangers) by Miguel Leon

Episode #155 — "Roar of the Potato" (Rusev) by Mike Paden

Episode #156 — "Ricardo Rodriguez Bumblebee Man" (The Simpsons) by Tony Mango

Episode #157 — n/a

Episode #158 — "Danger! Mike Paden's High Outro" by Mike Paden

Episode #159 — "A New Outro" (New Day) by Mike Paden

Episode #160 — "All Outro" (All Day) by Drew White

Episode #161 — CM Punk's UFC Introduction by Stephen Wago

Episode #162 — "O' Outro Tree" by Tony Mango

Episode #163 — "12 Days of Outro" by Mike Paden

Episode #164 — "Demoutrolition" (Demolition/Ascension) by Mike Paden

Episode #165 — "All About the Outro" (David Otunga) by Mike Paden

Episode #166 — "The Game" (Triple H) by Drew White

Episode #167 — "Coming to Outro" (Boogeyman) by all

Episode #168 — "Outros in the Night" (Steve Blackman) by Tony Mango

Episode #169 — "Shango Unchained" (Django Unchained Theme) by Mike Paden

Episode #170 — "Also Sprach Zaradrewstra" (Ric Flair's Theme) by Drew White

Episode #171 — "#GiveOutrosAChance" by Tony Mango

Episode #172 — "CatDog Theme" by Mike Paden

Episode #173 — "Wiz Khalifa Inspired Freestyling" by Mike Paden (with an assist from Stephen Wago)

Episode #174 — "Hall of Fame" by Drew White and Mike Paden

Episode #175 — "Swiss Made Outro" (Cesaro) by everyone

Episode #176 — "Seth Rollins is the Champion" (We Are the Champions) by Shaun Walker

Episode #177 — "Suplex City" (Gotham City) by Mike Paden

Episode #178 — "Rise (WrestleMania XXXI Theme)" by Calen Ferris

Episode #179 — "Vacant's Theme (Reprise)" by Tony Mango

Episode #180 — "God Save the King Barrett" by Shaun Walker

Episode #181 — "Outrograph" by Drew White

Episode #182 — "Demoutrolition" by Miguel Leon

Episode #183 — "Fight, Bag, Pokemon, Run (Kevin Owens / Bulbasaur)" by Tony Mango and Stephen Wago

Episode #184 — "Happy Birthday" by Angela Williams

Episode #185 — "Green Outro" (Green Arrow) by Tony Mango

Episode #186 — "Cotton Eyed Samoa Joe" by Shaun Walker

Episode #187 — "I'm a Little Outro" by Tony Mango

Episode #188 — "No Finn Balor Theme at NXT Show Outro" by Tony Mango

Episode #189 — "Star Spangled Outro" by Calen Ferris

Episode #190 — "Sky's the Outro" (Sasha Banks) by Calen Ferris

Episode #191 — "And the Outro's JOHN CENA!!!" by Z Morning Zoo

Episode #192 — "In-A-Gadda-Da-Ivas" by Mike Paden

Episode #193 — "Rosa" (Lola) by Mike Paden

Episode #194 — "I Luv It" by Mike Paden

Episode #195 — "Samoutro Joe" by Drew White

Episode #196 — "The Shitty Hymn of the Republic" by Drew White

Episode #197 — "Outro It Up" (Bayley) by Mike Paden

Episode #198 — "Batshit (Crazy) Symphony" by Mike Paden

Episode #199 — "Rollins" (Roxanne) by Calen Ferris

Episode #200 — "All Sonic Shaked Up" by Mike Paden

Episode #201 — "Unenthusiastic Jeff Hardy's Theme" by Stephen Wago

Episode #202 — "Fantasea League" by Tony Mango

Episode #203 — "Outro Man" (Iron Man) by Tony Mango

Episode #204 — "99 Bottles of Bo on the Wall" by Shaun Walker

Episode #205 — "Drew Snoring" by Drew White

Episode #206 — "Otunga's Family" (Addams Family) by everyone

Episode #207 — "Darude's James Storm" (Darude's Sandstorm) by Mike Paden, Tony Mango and Stephen Wago

Episode #208 — "Outro of Greatness" (Nia Jax) by Tony Mango

Episode #209 — "Great Khali" (Prince Ali) by Mike Paden

Episode #210 — "No Mass Appeal" (Solomon Crowe) by Tony Mango

Episode #211 — "Smash Mouth to Feed Me More" (Ryback/All-Star) by Tony Mango

Episode #212 — "Ladders Chairs and Tables" (Empty Chairs at Empty Tables from Les Misérables) by Tony Mango

Episode #213 — "We Are the Outro" (We are the World) by AwesomePianoMan

Episode #214 — "Drew White Christmas / Brauny the Strowman" by Tony Mango

Episode #215 — "Kane's Got a Shot" (Hit Me With Your Best Shot by Pat Benatar / Kane) by Mike Paden

Episode #216 — "I'm a Monster" (Monster by Imagine Dragons / Nia Jax) by Drew White

Episode #217 — "Royal Remix" (classic Royal Rumble theme) by Mike Paden featuring Bill

Episode #218 — "Vince Russo AJ Styles Pitch" by Mike Paden

Episode #219 — "Insights into Drew McBigBalls" by Drew White

Episode #220 — "Grateful to be Finished" by everyone

Episode #221 — "Well It's Drew McBigBalls" by everyone

Episode #222 — "Here Comes No Outro" (Drew didn't do Shane McMahon's theme)

Episode #223 — "Dr. Evil Looks Like Austin Powers" (Hahaha Kennedy)

Episode #224 — "Universal Studios Logo" by Mike Paden

Episode #225 — "Fuller Boat" by Mike Paden

Episode #226 — "Duck Tales" by Mike Paden

Episode #227 — "Emmeow" by everyone

Episode #228 — "I Hate Zack" (I Hate Rap) by Mike Paden

Episode #229 — "Renee Dupree's Not Gettin' Money" by Stephen Wago

Episode #230 — "Monday Monday Monday Night Raw Post Show Fantasy League Draft!" by Mike Paden

Episode #231 — "You Can't Seal Me (Dying Dog John Cena)" by Stephen Wago

Episode #232 — "Oh Yeah, Drew White" by Tony Mango

Episode #233 — "See Ya!" by everyone

Episode #234 — "Cocknose Impressions" by everyone

Episode #235 — "Smoke and Future Endeavors" (Cody Rhodes) by Tony Mango

* the outro was discontinued as a regular segment after episode #235 *

We hope you enjoyed them!

Don't forget to keep checking back here and listening in each and every week for the next one!

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